Начало » Mollov’s notebook: Fraudulent schemes, 6000 BGN for GDBOP and “distributed money” for information from the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office

Mollov’s notebook: Fraudulent schemes, 6000 BGN for GDBOP and “distributed money” for information from the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office

Warning! This is an automatic translation from Bulgarian. The translation has not been checked by the editor desk and may be inaccurate or ambiguous. The publisher endorses only the Bulgarian version of the article.

Former parliamentary adviser Yordan Mollov is at the heart of a network of companies investigated by the General Directorate for Combatting Organized Crime (GDBOP) and the Prosecutor’s Office for fraudulent investment schemes. In 2019, he had information about the interrogations led by the investigators and noted in his notebook specific amounts for the General Directorate for Combatting Organized Crime (GDBOP), as well as money distributed for information from pre-trial proceedings in the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office. The same fraudulent scheme was investigated by “Lords of the Air”, and the data from Mollov’s notebook confirm and complement the conclusions of the colleagues.

In the previous article about Yordan Mollov we told how he collects information about our diplomats in Moscow and Kazakhstan, while at the same time communicating with persons in Moscow on Viber. Yordan Mollov does this in his capacity as a parliamentary assistant to Russophile MP Valentin Lambev, a member of the management of the National Movement “Russophiles”. Mollov also attended a conspiratorial meeting with our commercial attaché in Moscow to organize dubious business with Russia under the protection of high-ranking Russian politicians. Doubtful, because payments have to go through Dubai.

But beyond these international affairs with a spy twist, Mollov has very specific concerns on Bulgarian soil. Around him are sniffing the General Directorate for Combatting Organized Crime (GDBOP) and the Prosecutor’s Office over a financial and investment fraud scheme. That is why he is informed and writes down in the notebook what happened during the interrogations of his associates and employees. Interrogations conducted by the General Directorate for Combatting Organized Crime (GDBOP), the Sofia Directorate of the Interior and other police stations in the country, which should be an investigative secret.

The scheme of Mollov and his partner Kirill Dzhabarov (in the leading photo on the left) is of the boiler room type – convincing potential victims over the phone to invest funds in stock trading, gold, currency exchange or cryptocurrencies. This is done through companies that claim to be investment intermediaries, but do not have a license for such. The investment is actually fictitious and the money of the “customers” disappears to the accounts of other companies at home and abroad. To cover the tracks, companies often change their names, and dummies and fuses are appointed as managers.

Yordan Mollov in the middle and Kiril Dzhabarov to his right in a working environment. Photo: Facebook profile of Dzhabarov.

In Mollov’s notebook are noted in several places the names of companies and persons, which makes it possible to line up with companies and their managers, most of whom are “straw people”. Through our information system, we have uniquely identified the following companies and individuals: “The positive”,Alternative“, “Progressive“, “Post Finance“, “Global Markets“, Rumen Slaveykov, Valentin Dotsov, Ivaylo Sotirov, Alexander Bogoev, Georgi Terziyski, Gennady Tabakov, Rumen Galabinov, Mihail Ganchev and others. The notebook also shows the names of Mollov’s partners: Kiril Dzhabarov and Robert Dimitrov, with whom he is a partner in several companies.

The names and events noted in Mollov’s notebook complement and prove the conclusions of a 2017 investigation by Capital, as well as a detailed journalistic investigation of “Lords of the Air”. Because of him, journalist Victoria Simeonova was subjected to a smear campaign and psychological harassment in a network of sites related to fraudsters.

The fraud scheme has deep roots and was investigated in 2007 by the FBI. In a US diplomatic report sent from Skopje to Washington in 2007 and published by Bivol , it is reported that the Bulgarian company Finance Engeneering of businessman Gennady Tabakov is being investigated in connection with the privatization of the Negotino TPP. The FBI representative in Sofia has confirmed that Finance Engeneering is under investigation for money laundering, but the information is confidential as the investigation continues. It is noted that Finance Engineering is associated with Russian energy interests.

Finance Engineering and a Maltese offshore company are shareholders in the company Postfinance AD, established in 2005 and managed by Tabakov until 2018, when he sold his shares to Rumen Slaveykov. The name of Gennady Tabakov is also present in Mollov’s notebook with instructions to make a SWIFT translation.

Other Mollov-related individuals such as Kiril Dzhabarov and Robert Dimitrov became famous because of the banking crisis in 2014 and the bankruptcy of CCB. They were charged by DANS and the Prosecutor’s Office with scaremongering the banking system. It is not known that this case has reached the judicial stage.

Two of the companies mentioned in the notebook have revoked licenses of investment intermediaries from the FSC. “Progressive Trading”, now in liquidation, is known in the past as “BBG Simex” and had a license for investment intermediary issued by the FSC in 2014 under Stoyan Mavrodiev. The license was revoked in 2018 due to “non-compliance with the conditions of the license, unlawful means by persons with a bad reputation, has not been active for more than 6 months.” Global Markets, in which Mollov was a partner with Czech Pavel Kochalka, had its license deleted in 2014 on the grounds that “systematic legal violations, so far there are unsettled relationships with customers.” Kochalka retired from the investment business in Bulgaria after the scandal, but in his native Czech Republic he was investigated and charged with financial fraud.

GDBOP – 6K lv. “Kiro has distributed money” for pre-trial proceedings

Mollov was interested in interrogations in the police and GDBOP not only as a passive observer. Such a conclusion can be drawn from his notes, in which a specific amount of BGN 6K is indicated in two places next to the General Directorate for Combatting Organized Crime (GDBOP). (6000 BGN).

For this money, Mollov expects from someone two reports and one package. From the same page, we learn that the money in Post Finance was probably converted into cryptocurrency.

Money was also “distributed” by Kiro, probably in order to obtain information about pre-trial proceedings. The note suggests that the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office has active developments against Mollov’s group.

And help from the Masonic brothers?

In order to obtain information on what is happening with the investigations, the parliamentary assistant also uses his Masonic connections. From the previous material it became clear that he was an apprentice Mason in the Harmony Lodge. In one of the notes on the problems with law enforcement authorities, Mollov has recorded the name of master “Vesko” from lodge “Wisdom” to “Prosecutor from the SRS” (Sofia Regional Prosecutor’s Office). On the same day a meeting was celebrated in the office of Boyko Naydenov. It is not clear whether this is the former director of the National Investigation Service and the current employee of a company close to lawmaker Delyan Peevski. The meeting with Naydenov can be dated on Wednesday 18 September.

Several separate plots can be derived from the information in Mollov’s notebook. Each of them requires detailed development. In the first part of this investigation, we introduced you to the current “spy plot”. This article discusses the topic of financial fraud and insider trading by investigative bodies. But in Yordan Mollov’s notes there is information about other schemes, including money laundering abroad, which will be discussed in the sequel.

Updated March 29, 2021: In the initial version of the article, we mistakenly wrote that Elka Eftimova, manager of PostFinance, is the wife of Yordan Mollov. The editorial office apologizes to the readers and to Mrs. Eftimova.


За да научавате преди всички за нови разследвания, инсталирайте си нашето мобилно приложение:

Щом сте стигнали дотук, вероятно вече си задавате въпроса как се финансира този журналистически проект.

От създаването си BIRD се финансираше от подаяния в нашето журналистическо чекмедже. Но на чекмеджето му мина времето. Даже прокуратурата затвори онова Чекмедже, знаете кое… Нашето финансиране влиза в крак с епохата. Фондонабиращата ни кампания вече се казва


Дарявай за BIRD и мятай павета в блатото с корумпирани политици и други тарикати.

Защо да мятам ли?

BIRD.bg е една от малкото специализирани разследващи медии у нас и осветява мащабни корупционни схеми, конфликти на интереси и злоупотреба с власт, в които участват ключови политици, магистрати, бизнесмени. В завладяна държава като България свободните медии имат изключително важна роля и за да останат независими и обективни, се нуждаят от подкрепата на гражданите.

Ние се издържаме само от малки дарения от граждани. Изчислили сме, че за да работим като устойчива медия, ни трябват около 240,000 лв. годишно или 20,000 лв. на месец. Тук виждате актуалния брой на нашите регулярни дарители, средната месечна сума на даренията и общата сума, която те са дарили за периода от старта на сайта през септември 2020 г. до днешна дата.

Регулярните месечни дарения в размер 10, 20, 50 лв. или друга сума по избор ни дават финансова сигурност и позволяват да планираме дейността си за месеци напред.

Освен да “мятате”, можете и да “шамаросвате”. В момента срещу журналистите от BIRD се водят 10 дела SLAPP известни като “дела-шамари”. Помогнете ни за съдебните разходи, които никак не са малки. Всяко Ваше дарение за конкретно “дело-шамар” е “шамар” срещу шамаросващите, които разполагат с огромни пари срещу нашите скромни финансови възможности.

Дълбоко благодарни сме за всяка подкрепа!

Ние се издържаме само от малки дарения от граждани. Изчислили сме, че за да работим като устойчива медия, ни трябват около 240,000 лв. годишно или 20,000 лв. на месец. Тук виждате актуалния брой на нашите регулярни дарители и средната месечна сума на даренията. Регулярните месечни дарения в размер 10, 20, 50 лв. или друга сума по избор ни дават финансова сигурност и позволяват да планираме дейността си за месеци напред.

До момента нашите активни редовни дарители са 452 на брой и осигуряват 6369.05 € месечно. Нашата цел е дарителите да станат 1,000


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Менко Менков, адвокатът на Бойко Борисов, съди в Софийски градски съд Атанас Чобанов и Димитър Стоянов за статията "Досиетата Пандора: Адвокатът на Борисов и министрите му контролира сейшелска офшорка". Претенцията на Менко Менков е за 100 000 лв. за непозволено увреждане. Номерът на делото е 1761/2022 в СГС. Съдия по делото е Весела Офицерска.


Депутатът от ГЕРБ Лъчезар Иванов съди в Софийски градски съд Димитър Стоянов и Ангел Алексиев за статията Помощ или подкуп? Какво се крие зад акциите на Лъчезар Иванов, разследвани от прокуратурата? Претенцията на Лъчезар Иванов е за 10 000 лв. за непозволено увреждане. Номерът на делото е 3857/2021 в СГС. Съдия по делото е Гергана Кирова.

Ванина Колева, съдия от Административен съд София - Град е образувала наказателно дело за клевета срещу целия екип на BIRD, заради статията ни "Всички пътища на „Eвpoлaб 2011“ водят към съдия Ванина Колева". Делото се гледа в Перник, тъй като софийските съдии си направиха отвод.

Размиг Чакърян - Ами е завел общо пет дела - три срещу Атанас Чобанов и две срещу Димитър Стоянов, заради статиите ни за "Златния паркинг", "Златната локва" и "Златната лаборатория" на Капитан Андреево. Всяко от делата е с претенция за 10,000 лв. Съдиите по делата от Районен съд - София са Красен Вълев 2379/2023, Светлозар Димитров 9982/2023, Иванина Пастракова 9981/2023, Лилия Митева 2381/2023 и Деница Урумова 9980/2023. 

Братът на зам.-председателя на парламента Росица Кирова е завел дело срещу Атанас Чобанов и Димитър Николов с материална претенция 26,000 лв. за статията ни "Таки и братът на зам.-председател на Парламента са разследвани за тероризъм". Гражданското дело с номер 606/2023 е образувано пред Софийски градски съд, а съдия е Екатерина Стоева.

Вътрешният министър Калин Стоянов е завел дело срещу Атанас Чобанов и Димитър Стоянов с претенция за общо 65 000 лв. за 13 публикации в сайта и във Facebook страницата на BIRD, които го свързват с Мартин Божанов - Нотариуса.

This post is also available in: Български (Bulgarian)

About the author

Atanas Tchobanov

роден 26 юни 1968. Разследващ журналист. Гл. редактор на сайта Биволъ 2010-2020. Член на борда на OCCRP 2016-2018. Член на ICIJ от 2020. Atanas Tchobanov is born on 26 June 1968. Investigative journalist. Editor in chief of Bivol.bg 2010-2020. Member of the Board of OCCRP 2016-2018. Member of ICIJ from 2020.

About the author

Dimitar Stoyanov

Роден на 12 септември 1980 г. Разследващ репортер. Работил е за Инфорадио, БНР, НОВА ТВ, бТВ и Биволъ. Dimitar Stoyanov is born on 12 Sept. 1989. Investigative reporter. Worked for Inforadio, BNR, Nova TV, bTV and Bivol.bg

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